Yeast & Intestinal Immunity Panels

Yeast and intestinal immunity panels are used to help identify the cause of patients suffering from the effects of gut dysbiosis, a disturbance of the gut microbiome.  Microbial dysregulation within the gut is an important contributing factor in a wide range of disorders.  Food sensitivities, environmental toxins, stress, prolonged use of antibiotics and genetic predisposition may contribute to gut dysbiosis.


Candida Profile $165

Candida overgrowth is the most common cause of systemic fungal infection and accounts for 80% of all major systemic fungal infections.  Symptoms may be attributed to food sensitivity because the invasive fungi can increase rapidly in number and permeate the digestive tract.  Diets high in simple carbohydrates have been found to increase rates of oral candidiasis.  Mild, chronic and polysystemic candidiasis can be positively diagnosed by the determination of high serum levels of IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against Candida antigens.  Immune complexes are clusters of interlocking antigens and antibodies.  Normally, immune complexes are rapidly removed from the bloodstream.  Sometimes, however, they continue to circulate, and eventually become trapped in the tissues of the kidneys, the lungs, skin, joints, or blood vessels.  There they set off reactions with complement that lead to inflammation and tissue damage.

Test results include an interpretation and positive results are accompanied by The Candida Diet.



Celiac Disease Profile $190

Serologic testing is the first step to confirm the diagnosis of Celiac Disease and differentiate CD from non-celiac gluten enteropathy.  The assay measures serum concentrations of IgA and IgG antibodies specific tTG, Gliadin and Deamdidated Gliadin Peptide.  Accurate and early identification of CD patients is important to ensure early treatment.

Screening for celiac disease consists of the following tests.

  • Gliadin – IgG & IgA
  • Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA & IgG
  • Deamidated Gliadin Peptide (DGP) IgA & IgG

gastrointestinal Panel $350 (96) $450 (184)

“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates

In theory, we should be able to digest just about any type of food we put in our mouths.  But changes in food processing and preparation not to mention lifestyle and stress mean our stomachs don’t always react well to everything we eat.  Moreover, the overuse of antibiotics expose our digestive tract to chemicals that alter this delicate balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria.  This is called dysbiosis, a bacterial imbalance and overgrowth of the wrong kinds of bacteria in the gut.  The Gastrointestinal Panel identifies food sensitivities, yeast and gut imbalance.

It is a comprehensive assessment for overall gut health.

GI Panel includes:

  • 96 or 184 IgG Food Sensitivity Panel with Wellness Plan
  • Candida Profile
  • Helicobacter-pylori